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Estate Giving

Stock Donations into MOC Merrill Lynch Account:

Account Number: 808-02296     DTC Number: 8862

Merrill Lynch

The Nolan Group

69 State Street, 16th Floor

Albany, NY 12207

Contact Name: Jennifer Nolan

Telephone : 1-800-548-0322 or 518-462-8330

Fax: 1-518-618-3177


Over the past 42 years, charitable donations have allowed the Ministry of Caring to provide care for those in need in our community. By making a planned gift, you help us continue to meet the needs of those we serve and gain financial and tax benefits for you and your family.


There are easy and powerful ways to support our community through a gift to the Ministry of Caring.

To support us, please consider:

  • A provision in your will or trust, as the beneficiary of a retirement account or a no-longer needed insurance policy.
  • A charitable remainder trust that can provide lifetime income
  • A gift of stock instead of cash. If you are 70 1/2 years of age, donate directly to the Ministry through a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) which satisfies your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) and excludes the amount from taxable income.

Your reasons for giving to the Ministry of Caring may be personal, but it would help us to know if you are remembering the Ministry in your will. Sharing your intentions will enable us to plan for the future.


If you have designated the Ministry of Caring in your estate plan, or are planning to do so, please let us know! Your gift will be kept strictly confidential unless you desire otherwise to inspire others.

Planned Giving Form

Featured Planned Giving Stories:

Donor Story: Michelle Mercadante

A quiet, yet strong desire to help the poor and homeless.

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    Our donors recognize the value and see the results of the diverse services the Ministry of Caring provides to those in need. Many wish to continue a legacy of support for the Ministry even after they have passed away. Michelle Mercadante was one such generous benefactor.

    A lover of nature, animals, and travel, Michelle Mercadante suprised some of her family and friends when she left a bequest to the Ministry of Caring. Michelle could have left her estate to a number of worthy causes; leaving a legacy to the Ministry revealed Michelle’s quiet, yet strong desire to help the poor and homeless.

    Michelle often attended Mass with her stepmother Carolyn Mercadante at the Capuchin Friary located on Prior Road in Wilmington. Brother Ronald Giannone, a Capuchin Friar and Executive Director of the Ministry of Caring, often celebrated Mass at the Friary. Michelle learned about and came to admire Brother Ronald’s work among the poor and began to designate her United Way contributions to the Ministry of Caring.

    After 41 years in the Customer Service Department at Exelon, Michelle prepared to retire but a short series of catastrophic illnesses took her life before she reached her goal. Michelle passed away on October 2, 2014. Now, almost three years after Michelle’s death, we see the lasting impact of Michelle’s planning. Through Michelle’s gift, the people we serve have real hope for a brighter future because Michelle cared and took action to ensure that her legacy lived on at the Ministry of Caring. Although Michelle is not able to receive our thanks today, we honor her memory and celebrate her willingness to help others in our community. Michelle could have left her estate to a number of worthy causes; leaving a legacy to the Ministry revealed Michelle’s quiet, yet strong desire to help the poor and homeless.


Donor Story: Mitzi and Bart Rogers

Breakfast … generously provided through a bequest by Mitzi and Bart Rogers, benefactors of Emmanuel Dining Room.

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    When Beth Rogers recalls her parents’ dedication to Emmanuel Dining Room, this quote comes to mind: “That which you do for the least of my brothers and sisters, you do for me.”

    “As an Italian family, food was a way of showing love, and feeding people was the most fundamental way to show love of God and of others,” she recalls. Beth’s late parents, Bart and Mitzi, wanted to continue to support the outreach, love and dignity offered at EDR after their passing, so they included Ministry of Caring in their will.


Please contact Priscilla Rakestraw with any questions:

Priscilla Rakestraw
The Ministry of Caring Inc.
115 East 14th Street
Wilmington, DE  19801-3209
(302) 652-5523
(302) 652-1919 (fax)

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