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Emmanuel Dining Room

Every day of the year, guests of Emmanuel Dining Room are seated in a clean, cheerful dining room and served a nutritious meal in restaurant fashion. An average of 550 meals are served every day. All who come through its doors are warmly welcomed, and there are no questions asked.

Emmanuel Dining Room helps alleviate the immediate needs of Delaware’s hungry with nutritious meals served at no cost. The program operates at two locations in economically depressed areas of Wilmington and New Castle, Delaware. At the heart of Emmanuel Dining Room lies the faithful ongoing support of members of nearly 100 churches, synagogues, businesses, and civic groups who prepare and serve meals on a rotating basis.

Ways you can help:

John and Jeannette Richart

John and Jeannette Richart of St. Mark’s United Methodist Church help prepare a meal at Emmanuel Dining Room.

Donate food

Bring food donations to Emmanuel Dining Room West at 121 North Jackson Street between the hours of 7:30 AM and 2:30 PM, or call Program Manager Michael Sullivan to arrange a delivery time at (302) 652-3228.

Click here to see Title 10 Section 8130, “Exemption from liability for donation of prepared food.”

Donate through agencies

You may designate donations to the Ministry of Caring by contributing through United Way at your workplace. Nearly one-third of Emmanuel Dining Room’s operating budget is provided by United Way and Combined Federal Campaign of the Chesapeake Bay Area. On the pledge form, please use the EDR Direct Designation Number, 0295.

To donate to EDR through the Combined Federal Campaign (Chesapeake Bay), select 63380.


There are many ways to fundraise for Emmanuel Dining Rooms:

  • Throw a can-raiser! Create an event with an admission price of one canned good. Bring the proceeds to EDR West.
  • Make bagged lunches together with your company or organization.
  • Try Cooking for a Cause — Team build with your group as you compete in challenges, cook food together, and give back to the community. Details can be found on their program’s website here.


Lunches bagged by BlackRock employees to benefit EDR guests

Governor John Carney helps serve guests at EDR West

The Marketing team from Capital One in Newark, DE made PB&J bagged lunches and assembled no-bake lasagnas during their team building event.


Emmanuel Dining Room West (founded 1979)

121 North Jackson Street, Wilmington, DE 19805-3670 (302) 652-3228

Emmanuel Dining Room South (founded 1987)

500 Rogers Road, New Castle, DE 19720-1398 (302) 577-2951

If you have questions, please contact
Emmanuel Dining Room Program Director
Michael Sullivan, (302) 652-3228

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