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Our locations

Andrisani Building
Drug, Alcohol, & Mental Health Counseling
1803 W. 6th Street
Wilmington, DE 19805-3005
(302) 428-3702 Fax: (302) 428-3705

Barbara Kreuer House
Permanent supportive housing for families
807 W. 6th Street
Wilmington, DE 19801-2032
(302) 652-1935

Bethany House I and II
For women with special needs
601 N. Jackson Street
Wilmington, DE 19805-3241
(302) 656-8391

615 N. Jackson Street
Wilmington, DE 19805-3241
(302) 652-1266

Child Care Center
Early learning center for
poor and homeless children
221 N. Jackson Street
Wilmington, DE 19805-3649
(302) 652-8992 Fax: (302) 652-8945

Clarence McGowan House
Permanent supportive housing for families
809 Jefferson Street
Wilmington, DE 19801-1431
(302) 652-1935

Distribution Center
and Samaritan Outreach
Supplies, furniture, and clothing
1410 N. Claymont Street
Wilmington, DE 19802-5227
(302) 652-0969 Fax: (302) 594-9478

Emmanuel Dining Room East
Food facility for the hungry
This service has relocated to
121 N. Jackson Street
Wilmington, DE 19805-3670
(302) 652-3228

Emmanuel Dining Room South
Food facility for the hungry
500 Rogers Road
New Castle, DE 19720-1398
(302) 577-2951

Emmanuel Dining Room West
Food facility for the hungry
121 N. Jackson Street
Wilmington, DE 19805-3670
(302) 652-3228 Fax: (302) 652-2576

Francis X. Norton Center
Special events and activity center
917 N. Madison Street
Wilmington, DE 19801-1497
(302) 594-9455 Fax: (302) 407-5129

Guardian Angel Child Care
Early learning center for children of working parents
1000 Wilson Street
Wilmington, DE 19801-3432
(302) 428-3620 Fax: (302) 428-3622

House of Joseph I
Emergency shelter for single men
1328 W. 3rd Street
Wilmington, DE 19805-3662
(302) 652-0904 Fax: (302) 594-9472

House of Joseph II
Residence for men and women
living with HIV/AIDS
9 W. 18th Street
Wilmington, DE 19802-4833
(302) 594-9473 Fax: (302) 594-9494

House of Joseph Holistic Residence
For single, employable men
111 N. Jackson Street
Wilmington, DE 19805-3670
(302) 652-0904

Il Bambino
Infant care for children of working parents
903 N. Madison Street
Wilmington, DE 19801-1439
(302) 594-9449 Fax: (302) 594-9450

Job Placement Center
Employment, job training, diversion,
and rapid rehousing services
1100 Lancaster Avenue
Wilmington, DE 19805-4009
(302) 652-5522 Fax: (302) 652-0917

Margaret Nusbaum House
Permanent housing for women
207 S. Van Buren Street
Wilmington, DE 19805-4020
(302) 652-8532

Maria Lorenza Longo Holistic Housing
Permanent supportive housing for single women
822 Jefferson Street
Wilmington, DE 19801-1432
(302) 652-8532

Mary Mother of Hope House I
Emergency shelter for women
1103 W. 8th Street
Wilmington, DE 19806-4605
(302) 652-8532 Fax: (302) 594-9434

Mary Mother of Hope House II
Emergency shelter for women with children
121 N. Jackson Street
Wilmington, DE 19805-3670
(302) 652-1935 Fax: (302) 594-9475

Mary Mother of Hope House III
Emergency shelter for families
515 N. Broom Street
Wilmington, DE 19805-3114
(302) 652-0970 Fax: (302) 594-9496

Mary Mother of Hope Permanent Housing
For single women
818-820 Jefferson Street
Wilmington, DE 19801-1432
(302) 652-8532

Nazareth House I and II
For couples or families
898 Linden Street
Wilmington, DE 19805-1935
(302) 652-8532

106 N. Broom Street
Wilmington, DE 19805-4241
(302) 652-8532

Padre Pio House
For single men with special needs
213 N. Jackson Street
Wilmington, DE 19805-3649
(302) 658-6123

Pierre Toussaint Dental Office
Dental care for the poor
830 Spruce Street
Wilmington, DE 19801-4205
(302) 652-8947 Fax: (302) 652-8994

St. Francis Holistic Housing
For women with children
103-107 N. Jackson Street
Wilmington, DE 19805-3648

830 Spruce Street
Wilmington, DE 19801-4205
(302) 652-1935

Samaritan Housing
Short term emergency shelter
for single women and women with children
917 N. Madison Street
Wilmington, DE 19801-1439
(302) 428-3653 Fax: (302) 407-5129

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