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Adopt-a-Child 2023 registration


Bringing holiday love and cheer to children in poverty.

Registration is via this webpage only.

We’re sorry. We have reached our capacity and REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED.

Registration continues ONLY while donations last.

ONLY parents or legal guardians may register children.

We provide a $100 gift card for each child.

Registrants MUST:

  1. provide a birth certificate for each child they are registering
  2. show proof of low income

Failure to follow these guidelines will mean your child or children will be disqualified.


Who is eligible:

  • This program is limited to children through age 10. If your child was born before 2013, they do not qualify.
  • Children living in our emergency shelters and residential facilities are not eligible.
  • Children enrolled in our Child Care Center or Guardian Angel Child Care are not eligible but their siblings who are not enrolled at either site are eligible.

Proof of eligibility

If you register a child or children, you must make and keep an appointment, and provide:

  • Proof of your low-income such as food stamps/TANF, SSI or WIC,
  • Every registered children’s birth certificate.

Gift card pickup

Pickup is ONLY at Emmanuel Dining Room West, 121 North Jackson Street, Wilmington, DE 19805

You must make and keep a pickup appointment
on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, December 5, 6, 7.
Only parents/guardians who register children may pick up gift cards – VALID PHOTO ID REQUIRED.

To help a family out by making a donation to this year’s
please click here.

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